- 而且这些变化与肿瘤组织倍体类型和 DNA异倍体克隆数均有十分密切的关系 The relation between these changes in bone marrow cells and DNA ploidy types and num ber of DNA H colony were very close.
- DNA异倍体 DNA aneuploid
- 异倍体的染色体的数目不是单倍体物种的染色体的整倍数的 Having a chromosome number that is not a whole-number multiple of the haploid chromosome number for that species.
- DNA异倍体的发生、SPF值、EGFR阳性率与胶质瘤恶性级别正相关。 DNA aneuploidy,SPF and EGFR is associated with malignant degree of gliomas.
- 全自动图象细胞仪在肺癌痰细胞学诊断中的应用1.DNA异倍体作为标志物诊断肺癌 The application of automated image cytometry in sputum cytologic diagnosis of lung cancer 1. DNA aneuploidy for diagnosis of lung cancer
- 恶性肿瘤的检测方法之一是通过流式细胞计显示异倍性。 One measure of malignancy is aneuploidy by flow cytometry.
- 异倍的 [医] heteroploid
- DNA倍体 DNA ploidy
- 异倍体细胞 heteroploid cell
- DNA倍体分析 DNA ploidy analysis
- 重组异倍性 recombination aneusomy
- 同源异倍性 autoheteroploidy
- DNA倍体模式分析 DNA ploidy pattern analysis
- 异倍同型形成 homeosis
- FCM-DNA倍体分析 FCM-DNA ploidy analysis
- 异倍预备条件 allosteric preconditioning
- DNA倍体定量分析 DNA imaging cytometry
- 17-去氧异倍他米松 Esperson; Ibaril
- 猴肾异倍体细胞系 CCL 7; LLC-MK2 cells
- 全自动DNA倍体分析 Automated DNA image cytometry