- 方法 采用 FCM技术对13例肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤 ,7例肾上腺皮质肿瘤 ,肾上腺转移瘤和肉眼正常肾上腺组织各 5例新鲜标本进行了 DNA含量测定。 Methods DNA ploidy was investigated in fresh samples from 13 cases of pheochromocytomas,7 adrenocortical tumors,5 secondary adrenal carcinoma and 5 normal adrenal tissue.
- 卵巢上皮性肿瘤DNA含量测定及其临床应用 Determination of DNA contents in epithelial tumor of ovary and the clinical application
- 测定 to survey and evaluate
- 人精细胞基因组DNA的分离提纯方法及其含量测定 The Method of Isolation and Purification of Human Sperm Genotnic DNA and Its Content
- 细胞核DNA含量 cellular DNA content
- 茶叶和固体速溶茶。咖啡因含量测定。高压液相色谱法。 Tea and instant tea in solid form. Determination of caffeine content. Method using high-performance liquid chromatography.
- DNA含量测定 DNA content determination
- 50例皮肤划痕症临床病理及血清总IgE含量测定的初步探讨 Clinical ahd Histopathological Observation ahd Determination of Serum IgE Levels in Patients with Dermographism
- 十四种淡水鱼的DNA含量 Cellular DNA Content of Fourteen Species of Fresh-water Fishes
- 糖含量测定 sugar analysis
- 应用图象分析技术对42例肺鳞癌细胞DNA含量原位定量测定。 DNA content was quantitatively determined in 42 resected specimens of squamons cell lung cancer by image analysis technique using paraffin-embedded sections stained with Feulgen method.
- 施氏鲟的核型及DNA含量研究 The Karyotype and Cellular DNA Contents of Amur Sturgeon (Acipenser schrencki
- 本方法简便、准确、专属 ,可用于本品的含量测定及质量控制。 This method was convenient, sensitive and actuate, and suitable for the quality control.
- 子宫平滑肌瘤细胞的DNA含量分析 A Study on DNA Content and Cell Cycle Phase Analysis in Uterine Leiomyomas
- 不同采收期和不同部位茵陈药材滨蒿内酯的含量测定与资源利用建议 Determination of Scoparone in Different Parts and Harvest Time of Scoparia and Rational Utilization of Its Resources
- 利用荧光分光光度法测定细胞的DNA含量。 Dose-survival fraction curves were made and the radioresistances were determined by LD 99 . The relative contents of DNA in cells were measured by Fluorescence Spectrophotometry (Freedman and Bruce, 1971).
- 酸浆果实中多糖的提取及含量测定 Extraction and Determination of Polysaccharides in Fruit of Physalis
- 人骨巨细胞瘤细胞DNA含量的研究 Studies on the cellular DNA content in giant cell tumor of bone
- 目的 建立了复方倍氯米松橡胶膏剂中丙酸倍氯米松的含量测定方法。 OBJECTIVE To develop a reversed phase HPLC method to determine the content of beclometasone dipropionate in compound beclometasone adhesive plaster.
- 卵巢癌组织DNA含量和细胞增殖水平测定及临床意义 DNA Content and Cell Cycle Phase Analysis in Ovarian Carcinoma and its Clinical Significance