- DNA芯片技术 DNA microarray
- DNA芯片技术与脱氧核糖核酸序列分析 DNA Chip Technique and Its Applications in Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis
- DNA芯片技术的发展及其应用 The Developing And Application Of DNA CMOS Chip Technology
- DNA芯片技术在围生医学领域中的应用 Utilization of DNA chip in perinatal medicine
- DNA芯片技术在药物筛选与控制中的应用 Application of DNA Chip in the Drug Screening and Controlling
- 芯片 chip
- DNA芯片技术在新兽药开发中的应用现状与展望 The present application and prospect of DNA chip technology in new veterinary medicine development
- 基因组DNA芯片 genome DNA mieroarray
- 组合式DNA芯片 mosaic DNA chip
- 开发新一代芯片技术成本昂贵,因此合作越来越成为时尚。 The cost of developing new generations of chip technology are so high that collaboration is increasingly the order of the day.
- 粘贴DNA芯片模型 model of sticker DNA chip
- 应用cDNA微阵列芯片技术筛选猪蛔虫性别差异表达基因的研究 Profiling and Identification of Gender-specific Expressed Genes in Ascaris suum by cDNA Microarray Analysis
- 一种新的DNA芯片的封闭方法 A New Blocking Method for DNA Chip
- 寡核苷酸芯片技术检测肠杆菌科食源性感染常见致病菌的研究 Study on oligonucleotide microarray technique for detection and identification of Enterobacteriaceae foodborne infection bacteria
- DNA芯片分析单核苷酸多态性及其法医学应用 The Joint Applications of DNA Chips and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Forensic Science
- 悬浮芯片技术 Suspension array technique
- DNA芯片检测泌尿生殖道病原体及耐药的研究 Detection of Pathogens of Urogenital Infections and Their Drug-resistant Types by a DNA Chip
- 微芯片技术的产品 microchip applicatio
- 组织芯片技术 Tissuechip technology
- 生物素-亲和素系统用于DNA芯片显色分析乙型肝炎病毒基因多态性 To Analysis HBV Gene Polymorphism with the Techology of DNA Chip which Shown Colour under the Action of Biotin-amrexo System