- 计算机 computer
- DCS计算机控制 DCS computer control
- 分布式计算机控制系统(DCS) distributed computer control systems
- 另外作者对CASS法计算机控制系统的发展还进行了展望。 In addition,the author looks into the future of the computer control system of the CASS technics.
- 一种由计算机控制的比X-Y绘图仪精度高的自动绘图机。 An automatic plotter controlled by computer. Its precision is higher than the precision of X-Y plotter.
- 人造卫星中的计算机控制 The computer control in man-made satellite.
- 多计算机控制 multi-computers control
- 计算机控制显示 computer controlled display .(CCD)
- 计算机控制模块 computer controller
- 计算机控制抛光 computer-controlled polishing
- 计算机控制课程 course of computer control system
- 过程计算机控制 process computer control
- 汤姆逊散射时序的计算机控制 Computer Control the Scheduling for Thomson Laser Scattering System
- 计算机控制缠绕机 computer controlled filament winding machine
- 计算机控制与分析 computer-control and analysis
- 声级计的计算机控制 How to control the noise meter with computer
- 计算机控制的 地面天线 computer-controlled terrestrial antenna
- 水流量实验装置计算机控制系统 Computer control system of standard set of water flow
- 电机计算机控制技术 Computer Control Techniques on Electric Machines
- 计算机控制课程设计 Course Design for Computer Control