- C/C-SiC-Fe材料 C/C-SiC-Fe material
- 材料 makings
- c语言
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- 包装材料 wrapper
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- C/SiC刹车材料 C/SiC braking material
- Fe-C F-C
- Fe/C Fe/C
- C/SiC C/SiC
- SiC/C SiC/C
- Fe-C系 Fe-C system
- C/SiC C/SiC
- Fe-C合金 Fe-C alloy
- MgO-C材料 MgO-C bricks
- C/C-SiC C/C-SiC
- PS-C材料 PS - C material
- Fe-Ni-C系 Fe-Ni-C system
- 热压反应烧结制备短纤维增强C-SiC复合材料的组织和性能 Microstructure and Properties of Short-fiber-reinforced C-SiC Composites Fabricated by Hot-pressing Sintered
- Fe-Ti-C系 Fe-Ti-C system