- Super high-yielding rice cultivars which were newly bred in China was used to s tudy the relationship between culm traits and lodging resistance . 选用我国近年育成的超高产水稻品种为材料,研究水稻茎秆性状与抗倒性的关系。
- Three culm traits,basal culm thickness(BCT),culm length (CL) and culm strength (CS),of DH lines and their parents under upland and lowland ecosystems at milk stage were studied. 在水田、旱田栽培条件下 ,考查了乳熟期DH系及其亲本的茎基粗、茎秆长及茎秆强度等性状。
- Abstract : 22 rice cultivars was used to study the lodging sensitive period、the sensitive iternode and the correlation between the culm traits and lodging index. 摘要 : 以22个中籼稻品种(组合)为对象,研究了水稻倒伏的敏感期和敏感节位,及倒伏指数与茎秆性状的相关性。
- Genetic analysis of the number of spikelet per panicle and culm traits in three-lineindica hybrid rice 籼型三系杂交水稻穗颖花数和茎秆特性的遗传分析
- The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humor. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。
- A common trait or characteristic. 共同特征或共同性质
- Culm traits 茎杆性状
- A group of individuals linked by traits held in common. 同种,同类因具有共同的特性而联系在一起的个体的集合
- Culm trait 竹秆性状
- The characteristic traits or customs of Occidental peoples. 西洋风味西方人习惯或品质性格特征
- Jim's two most pleasing traits are generosity and energy. 吉姆最讨人喜欢的两个特征是豪爽和充满活力。
- One of his less attractive traits is criticizing his wife in public. 他有个不大讨人喜欢的特点,就是爱当众责备妻子。
- A custom, trait, or tradition originating in the United States. 美国习俗,美国方式起源于美国的习惯、特性或传统
- Having predominantly maternal hereditary traits. 主要有母性遗传特性的
- Repose of manner is an estimable trait in a horse. 神情镇定是一匹马可贵的特质。
- He is very brave, among other good traits. 在各种不同的优良品质中,他也是很勇敢的。
- I will write these traits down in two columns. 我把这许多特性分写为两栏。
- Intelligence is a highly prized trait. 智力是非常值得珍视的特质。
- Culm sheaths densely setose; ligule truncate or acute. 竿箨密被刚毛;叶舌削去或锐尖。
- As the process continues, phenotypic traits unfold. 随着这一过程的持续进行,个体的表现特征才会出现。