- Mg-Nd合金 Mg-Nd alloy
- Cu-Cr-Nd合金 Co-Cr-Nd alloy
- Mg-Y-Nd合金 Mg-Y-Nd alloy
- Mg-Zn-Nd合金 Mg-Zn-Nd alloy
- Cu-5%Cr丝材 Cu-5%25Cr wire
- Cu-Te-Cr合金 Cu - Te - Cr alloys
- 本文简要评述了制取Nd及富Nd合金的方法,分析讨论了用消耗性Fe阴极电解NdCl_3-KCl熔盐制取Nd-Fe合金的原理及选择技术条件的原则。 In this paper the production methods of neodymium and neodymium-rich alloy were briefly reviewed, and the basic principle of winning Nd-Fe alloy by molten salt electrolysis with consumable iron cathode in NdCl_3-KCl melts as well as the selection of technological parameters of this process were discussed in detail.
- 涌泉膨润土吸附废水中Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cr~(3+)的试验研究 Experimental Study on Adsorbing Cu~(2+),Zn~(2+) & Cr~(3+) from Wastewater with Ca-Bentonite
- Zn-Cr合金镀层 Zn-Cr alloy coating
- W/Cu合金 W/Cu alloy
- Co-Cr-Mo合金 Co-Cr-Mo alloy
- Cu-Ag合金 Cu-Ag alloy
- Ni-Fe-Cr合金 nickel-iron-chromium alloy
- Cu-Sn合金 Cu-Sn alloy
- 泡沫Ni-Cr合金 Ni-Cr foams
- Mo-Cu合金 Mo-Cu alloy
- Cu-Pb合金 Cu-Pb alloy
- Cu-Al合金 Cu-Al alloy
- Mn-Cu合金 Mn-Cu alloy
- Au-Cu合金 Au-Cu alloy