- Cu基交联黏土催化剂 Cu-based pillared clay catalyst
- 载体酸性对铜基交联黏土催化剂上C_3H_6选择性催化还原NO反应的影响 Effect of Support Acidity on Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by C_3H_6 over Cu-based Pillared Clay Catalyst
- 采用聚合羟基阳离子合成交联蒙脱土(PILC),经SO2-4改性,制备了应用于C3H6选择还原NO的铜基交联黏土催化剂。 Montmorillonite was pillared by oligomeric hydroxyl cation to synthesize pillared interlayered clay(PILC) and then modified by SO~(2-)_4.Cu-based pillared clay catalysts were prepared and used in selective catalytic reduction of NO by propylene in the presence of oxygen.
- 结果表明:交联黏土催化剂对1,2,4-三甲苯歧化反应具有较好的催化活性。 The results showed that the cross-linked clay had better catalytic activity to the disproportionation of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene.
- Cu基复合材料 copper matrix composite
- Zn-Al-Cu基合金 Zn-Al-Cu base alloy
- 醛基交联 cross-link
- 黏土催化剂 clay catalyst
- Cu基钎料MIG钎焊接头断裂行为分析 Fracture Behavior Analysis of MIG-brazed Joint with Cu-based Filler Metals
- SO_4~(2-)改性的锆交联黏土固体酸催化合成柠檬酸三丁酯 Synthesis of Tributyl Citrate Catalyzed by SO_4~(2-) Modified Zirconium Cross-linked Clay Solid Acid
- 预退火温度对Cu基块状非晶玻璃转变及晶化的影响 Effect of Pre-annealing Temperature on Glass Transition and Crystallization of Cu-based Bulk Amorphous Alloy
- 自由基交联剂 free-radical crosslinking agent
- 具有大过冷液相温度区间的Cu基大块非晶合金的制备和机械性能 Preparation and Mechanical Strength of Cu-based Bulk Glassy Alloys with Large Supercooled Liquid Region
- 交联反应的最佳条件是:VCG与NaOH的摩尔比为1:6,交联剂的加入量为1ml,加入相转移催化剂。 Investigated VCG's adsorption behavior for Cu2+and Pb2+, the results indicate that: The VCG-Na has biggish capability for metal ions than VCG.
- 羟丙酰基交联葡聚糖凝胶 sephadex-LH20
- 快速交联 instantaneous crosslink
- 钛交联 Titanium cross-linking
- 非交联凝胶 uncrosslinked gel
- 交联, 交键 cross linked
- 核交联 cross-linked