- Crow扩展模型 Extended crow model
- 煤焦催化气化活性位扩展模型的研究 Study on active site extending model of coal char catalytic gasification
- 过采样复指数基扩展模型(OCE-BEM) OCF-BEM
- Crow-AMSAA模型 Crow-AMSAA model
- Crow足 Crow's feet
- 复杂网络中BA模型及其几种扩展模型的比较 The Comparative Research on the BA Model and Several Patulous Model in Complex Networks
- Crow-Fukase综合征 Crow-Fukase syndrome
- 也许举个例子能更好的说明to eat crow的意思。 That man running for mayor went around bragging he'd win the election by a big 50,000 majority.
- 扩展模型 extended model
- Crow/AMSAA可靠性增长模型 Crow/AMSAA reliability growth model
- 生产管理中一类排序问题的扩展模型及通用算法 A Extended Model and a Generalized Algorithm for a Job Scheduling Problem in Production Management
- 亦称crow-BlackBird。雀形目拟黄鹂科数种鸣禽。羽衣黑色,有虹彩,尾长。 Any of several songbird species (in the family Icteridae) having iridescent Black plumage and a long tail; also called crow-BlackBird.
- 美国历史学家,作品包含新南方的起源(1951)和JJim Crow的奇怪经历(1955) American historian whose works include Origins of the New South(1951) and The Strange Career of Jim Crow(1955).
- 粗糙集扩展模型及其在数据挖掘中的应用研究 Research of the Generalized Rough Set Model and Its Application in Data Mining
- 基于Horn逻辑扩展模型的安全协议反例的自动构造 Automatically Constructing Counter-Examples of Security Protocols Based on the Extended Horn Logic Model
- 改进的基于元胞自动机扩展模型的图的最短路径算法 The Shortest Path Search Based on Improved Cellular Automata Extend Model
- 扩展DEA模型 extended DEA model
- 扩展VAR模型 LA- VAR model
- 扩展支撑模型 expanded linear expenditure system
- 扩展CUPID模型 extended CUPID model