- Crocidura arethusa n. 尼日利亚麝鼩
- Arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress. 阿瑞塞莎是位迷人的仙女猎人。
- Ask:Is "the arethusa profound mystery" what mean? 问:“兰花奥秘”是啥子意思?
- Helplessly the exhausted Arethusa cried to her patroness for help. 绝望中精疲力竭的阿瑞塞莎哭叫着向她的保护神求救。
- Do you think most the geezer arethusa to assign name to be what? 你认为最奇特的兰花命名是啥子?
- A park be known for, on is a bamboo, two is a rockery, three is an arethusa. 本篇论文重点分析的既是个园“四季假山”的艺术特色。
- Alpheus recognized her new form and presently took his former shape to join with Arethusa and enjoy her company. 河神认出了泉水就是仙女,他自已马上也变回了原来的模样,以便与仙女同流,享受她的陪伴。
- To have a bird's-eye view, Lamma Island like an arethusa flower , however only the black gledes to hover around the island just has opportunity to peep the whole sceneries. 从高空鸟瞰,南丫岛活像一朵兰花,不过这可爱的形态只有经常在海岛上空盘旋的黑耳鸢才有机会尽窥全豹。
- Ask:What afraid of arethusa take to assign name to of all have.Do you think most the geezer arethusa to assign name to be what? 问:恐怕兰花拿啥子命名的都有了。你认为最奇特的兰花命名是啥子?
- Artemisthen broke the ground and Arethusa sank down and flowed all the way through the under world from Southern Greece to Sicily. 阿耳特弥斯只好劈开地面,仙女阿瑞塞莎便一直沉陷下去,穿过阴间,从希腊漂流到西西里岛。
- There are 13 genera 21 species of terricolous arethusa,10 genera 20 species of adnascent arethusa and 17 genera 29 species of rare and endangered in the area. 其中; 陆生兰13属; 21种; 附生兰10属; 20种; 属本地区珍稀濒危植物; 亟待保护的有17属29种.
- The climate here is warm with abundant rainfall of weak acid.The land here is suitable for the growth of arethusa and ornamental all year round.And it is an ideal cultivation area for arethusa. 项目区气候温和、雨量充沛、具有弱酸性水质,全年均适宜各类兰科植物和观赏植物生长,是兰科植物的理想生长区。
- The multicolored vogue bread flower- butterfly arethusa 五彩时尚面包花-蝴蝶兰花
- The multicolored vogue bread flower- conference arethusa 五彩时尚面包花-大卉兰
- orchids of the genus Arethusa having 1 or 2 showy flowers. 泉女兰属的任何一种沼泽生的兰花,开一朵或两朵艳丽的花。
- ask:tell a little bit some stories of arethusa markets to hear. 问:摆点兰花市场的龙门阵来听。
- 7.Ask:What afraid of arethusa take to assign name to of all have. 问:恐怕兰花拿啥子命名的都有了。
- 5. Ask:Is "the arethusa profound mystery" what mean? 问:“兰花奥秘”是啥子意思?收藏指正
- 3. Ask:Is "the arethusa profound mystery" what mean? 问:“兰花奥秘”是啥子意思?收藏指正
- any of several bog orchids of the genus Arethusa having 1 or 2 showy flowers. 泉女兰属的任何一种沼泽生的兰花,开一朵或两朵艳丽的花。