- Crag fly repellent(驱蝇剂) 丁氧聚丙二醇
- 除虫菊的栽培及驱蝇效果研究 Cultivating pyrethrin and its efficacy on driving flies
- 爱伦有个只在特殊场合使用的精美的孔雀毛驱蝇帚,而且由于波克、厨娘和嬷嬷都坚信孔雀毛不吉利,给之派上用场是经过一番家庭斗争的。 Ellen had a beautiful peacock-feather fly-brusher, but it was used only on very special occasions and then only after domestic struggle, due to the obstinate conviction of Pork, Cookie and Mammy that peacock feathers were bad luck.
- CRAG算法 CRAG algorithm
- 驱 to expel
- Crag fungicide 34IB (杀菌剂) 果绿定合剂
- on-the-fly算法 on-the-fly
- 蝇 musca
- 驱魔 exorcism
- flys eye lens plate 复眼微透镜板
- 只要在一张特别设计的FLY纸张上画一台就行了。 Just draw one on the specially designed FLY paper.
- 四驱 4 wheel driven
- 我们来举个例子看看to fly off the handle在日常生活中是怎么用的。 My wife spent all afternoon yesterday cooking a special dinner for our wedding anniversary.
- 捕蝇草 flycatcher
- 驱虫 anthelminthic
- 骑自行车或骑马用ride,驾船(或用帆或用发动机)用sail,开飞机用fly. Similarly we ride a bicycle or horse,sail a boat or a ship(whether it sails or has an engine),and fly a plane.
- 采采蝇为传染昏睡病的媒介。 The tsetse fly is a bearer of sleeping sickness.
- 驱蚊剂 culicifuge
- 骑自行车或骑马用ride,驾船(或用帆或用发动机)用sail,开飞机用fly. Similarly we ride a bicycle or horse,sail a boat or a ship(whether it sails or has an engine),and fly a plane.
- 装好假蝇 to dress an artificial fly