- Crack of the chinese red date 红枣裂果
- His bag wedged in the crack of the door. 他的书包被卡在门缝里了。
- Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
- Ah, how they made them skip and lift their heels at the very first crack of the whip! 唉!他们怎样地使得幽魂们一受到第一鞭就提起腿来了啊!
- Li Dazhao was a pioneer of the Chinese revolution. 李大钊是中国革命的前驱。
- Skiing remained the weak spot of the Chinese team. 滑雪仍是中国队的弱项。
- Who is the captain of the Chinese Team? 谁是中国队最佳球手?
- I felt we weren't given a fair crack of the whip. 我觉得我们没有得到合理的机会。
- At the first crack of the twigs, the birds took to. 树枝喀嚓一响,这些鸟马上就飞走了。
- The publication of The Chinese Worker meets a need. 《中国工人》的出版是必要的。
- Oh,this is just my purpose of the Chinese trip. 哦,这正是我此次中国之行的目的所在。
- He proved a reliable friend of the Chinese people. 事实证明,他是中国人民的可靠朋友。
- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. 所有的中国学生都是少先队员。
- What are the lessons of the Chinese revolution? 过去中国革命的经验教训怎么样呢?
- What is the nature of the Chinese revolution? 中国革命的性质是什么?
- He heard the cracking of the ice. 他听到了冰破裂的声音。
- She got up at the crack of dawn. 天刚亮她便起床了。
- What has led to the plight of the Chinese language? 是什么原因造成这样的现象。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。