- CpG免疫刺激DNA序列 CpG immuncostimulatar DNA sequence
- 免疫刺激DNA序列与过敏原联用对哮喘小鼠模型气道过敏性炎症的作用 Modulation of allergic airway inflammation by immunostimulatory DNA sequences in conjunction with an allergen in a murine model of asthma
- CpG序列又名免疫刺激DNA序列 (ISS) ,可激活多种免疫效应细胞 ,且无免疫原性 ,不会引起自身免疫疾病 ,具有很高的实用价值 ,在疾病的防治研究中有着广阔的应用前景 . CPG motifs, also named Immuno stimulatory sequence, can stimulate a large variety of effective cells, have no immunogens, result in no immune diseases, possess significant practical values and great prospective in treatment and prevention of disease.
- CpG DNA中ISS数量与免疫刺激效果间的关系初探 Preliminary study on the relationship between the immunostimulatory effects and the number of ISS in CpG DNA
- DNA序列 DNA sequence
- 免疫刺激剂 immunologic stimulant
- 无免疫刺激的 immunosilent
- 霉酚酸酯对体外培养的树突状细胞成熟过程及其同种免疫刺激活性的影响作用 The influence of MMF upon the maturation and allostimulatory activity of cultured dendritic cell progenitors
- 看起来不同或有不同特征的活生物,也具有不同的DNA序列。 Living organisms that look different or have different characteristics also have different DNA sequences.
- CpG序列的免疫激活机理初探 Prelimiary Study on Mechanism of Immuno - stimulating CPG motifs
- 水产用免疫刺激剂的种类与使用方法 The types of immunologic stimulants and their application
- 古DNA序列 ancient DNA sequence
- 抑制型:甲状腺刺激阻断免疫球蛋白 Thyroid Stimulating Inhibiting Immunoglobulin TSII
- 序列刺激分布 distribution of sequential stimuli
- DNA免疫 DNAimmunization
- 基于免疫克隆算法的最优M序列搜索 Optimum M-Sequence Search Using Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm
- dna 序列 dna sequence
- 纯化的结核菌素衍生蛋白免疫刺激后小鼠脑内的Fos表达 Fos expression in brain of purified protein derivative of tuberculin immunized mice
- DNA互补序列 DNA complementary sequence