- Pte Johnson Beharry, who was awarded a Victoria Cross for his courage under fire while serving in Iraq, is hoping his presence will raise awareness of the Legions campaign. 列兵约翰逊比哈瑞由于在伊拉克服役期间所表现出来的勇气而荣获了维多利亚十字勋章,他希望他的出席将能提高这次军队纪念活动的认识。
- But when I think of his patience under adversity, of his courage under fire, and of his modesty in victory, I am filled with an emotion of admiration I cannot put into words. 可是,当我想到他们在灾难中的坚忍,在战火里的勇气,成功的谦虚,我满怀的赞美之情是无法言状的。
- His behavior under fire approved him a man of courage. 他在战火中的表现证明他是一个勇敢的人。
- The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire. 士兵在枪林弹雨中严守军纪。
- show courage under fire 受到攻击表现出勇气
- Self-control is courage under another form. 自我克制是勇气的另一种形式。
- The government is under fire from all sides on its economic policy. 政府在经济政策上受到各方的严厉批评。
- Selfcontrol is courage under another form. 克制是另一种形式下的勇气.
- Courage under Fire 生死豪情
- Taylor came under fire when he opposed the leader. 泰勒先生反对领导人时受到了责难。
- Warships are meant to go under fire. 军舰本来就是用来作战的。
- The soldier showed great bravery under fire. 这个士兵在枪林弹雨中显示了大无畏的精神。
- The platoon was under fire all night long. 那个排整晚都在遭受炮火攻击。
- Their vehicle came under fire(= was being shot at). 他们的车遭到射击。
- Under fire Exposed or subjected to enemy attack. 遭到敌人的进攻。
- The visiting president was under fire. 那个来访的总统遭到射击。
- The army is under fire from all sides. 部队四面遭受攻击。
- They had no words high enough to praise his energy and courage under all hardships, and his unfailing devotion. 他们对他那种不怕艰苦的精神和勇气,以及他那种始终不懈的虔诚,都称赞得无以复加。
- The new fighters behave gallantly under fire. 新战士在炮火下表现得很勇敢。
- Quiet dignity under fire, real class. 遭到攻击时表现出的沉默尊严真是高招。