- Questions and Advices on Community Nurse Training 社区护士培养中存在的问题及建议
- Result We have created a good community nursing atmosphere,cultivated a group of better faculty for community nursing training,and established a good mode of the community nursing on-job training. 结果营造了良好的社区护理氛围、培养了一批较好的社区护理师资队伍、确立了较好的社区护士岗位培训模式,同时还存在一些问题。
- Community nurse training 社区护士培养
- Results 69.3% undergraduate wouldn't undertake community nurse post,and thereinto 52.6% undergraduate would do it if the salary was same to that in all-around hospitals. 结果有69.;3%25的学生不愿意从事社区护士工作;其中高达52
- Objective To provide a basis for training the community nursing st aff systematically. 目的为有计划有针对性地进行社区护理人员培训提供依据。
- Methods While preformed the routine work,the operation-room clinical teaching group completed specialist nurse training by taking theory lecture,training the nurse s skill,and testing them. 方法在保证日常工作的同时采取理论授课,技术练兵,考核等方法,完成专科护士的培训。
- Objective: To investigate the mastery of community nursing knowledge and needs of community nurses in order to provide references for further training. 目的:调查社区护士社区护理知识掌握及需求情况,为开展进一步的社区护士岗位培训提供依据。
- Bethune launched a nurses' training school, tidied up the local base hospital. 白求恩举办了一个护士训练班,整顿了当地的后方医院。
- Beijing FHD International Nurse Training Center 北京孚华德国际护士培训中心
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- Attendance at geriatric or psychiatric day centres and home visits by community nurses are charged at $55 per session. 老人科和精神科日间中心的收费,以及社康护理人员家访的费用,每节55元。
- ARNTP-Australia Registered Nurse Training Program 月毕业于澳洲注册护士培训课程
- The study about position training plan of community nurse in Zhejing province 浙江省社区护士岗位培训方案研究
- Some of the residents had the out-of-date ideas about health care (62.0%) and community nursing (69.8%). 0%25居民健康理念落后、69.;8%25居民社区护理观念滞后。
- To explore the health needs of the elderly and provide scientific basements for community nursing care of the elderly. 目的了解社区老年人健康需求状况,为社区老年护理的开展和完善提供科学依据。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。
- Objective: To explore the influence of community nursing intervention on the life quality of patients with glaucoma. 目的:探讨社区护理干预对青光眼患者生存质量的影响。
- Conclusion: The system for new nurses' training could adapt the new nurses to the new environment and make them to be eligible nurses. 结论:新护士系统化培训计划对新护士尽快适应新环境,成为合格的临床护士有积极的作用。
- The nurse is preparing the child to go to hospital. 保姆正在为孩子住院作准备。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。