- Will Chinese army force surpass US in few decades? 中国军事力量几十年内将超过,美国吗?
- You dishonored the Chinese Army. 你让中国军队感到耻辱。
- The civilian export version of the new Chinese Army bullpup rifle. 中国的97A步枪成功出口加拿大民用市场。
- However during the interview, the big end echelons confidently to Chinese army. 不过在接受记者的采访时,大头对汉军保级充满信心。
- The offer of American weapons and military technology to modernize the Chinese army was never taken up and might not have boon honored if it had boon. 原来提出过要用美国武器和军事技术使中国军队现代化的事,再也没有提起了,即使提到了,怕也不会执行的。
- Chinese army officer examining clothing of repatriated Japanese citizens to look for contraband. 中国军官检查遣返日本人的衣服,查看是否携带违禁品。
- All the Chinese army was aware of it and even the more discerning civilian officials. 军事部门的人全都知道,连稍有见识的文职官员也是心里有数的。
- Chinese army engineers led by clearing a trace.An American engineer company followed, bulldozing the roadhead. 虽说他承认修建这条路是美国工兵有史以来在战时所接受的最为艰难的任务,但他夜以继日地干了起来。
- Infighting posed as grave a threat to the Mustang operation as the Chinese army. 对于莫斯坦组织来说,内讧的威胁不亚于中国军队。
- Tibet is also no longer quite as remote or difficult to resupply for the Chinese army. 对中国军队来说,西藏已完全不会鞭长莫及或者有补给困难。
- The whole Chinese army, from top to bottom, was riven with inhumanity, double-crossing and terror. 整个中国军队,从上到下都是不讲人道、尔虞我诈和一片恐怖气氛。
- The placement shot fumbles the primary cause which into this competition Chinese army loses the game. 定位球失球成为本场比赛汉军输球的主要原因。
- To the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese army had defeated the Japanese armyxi feng kou . 到了抗日战争时,中国军队曾在喜峰口大败日军。
- From their standpoint, if the Chinese army hadn't crossed the Yalu, millions of lives, both civilian and military, would have been saved. 他们认为,如果中国军队不曾跨过鸭绿江,那么成千上万条生命,平民也好军人也好,就不会白白葬送。
- Son spirit irrelevant riches and honor! The Chinese army opens wide the barrack gate from this winter to the high school record youth. 男儿意气无关富贵!中国军队从今冬起向高学历青年敞开营门。
- The attack asthenia, causes the Chinese army to be unable to change the score finally, 1:2 lose to the Team Guangzhou under foot. 进攻乏力,使得汉军最终无法改变比分,1比2败于广州队脚下。
- The Jinmen tiger can defeat the Chinese army for the first time in the New China road stadium, the wormwood pities handsome claims credit great without doubt. 津门虎能够在新华路体育场首次击败汉军,蒿俊闵无疑居功至伟。
- Without regard to the International Pact, Japanese forces frequently used chemical weapons in the battlefields, which resulted in heavy casualties of the Chinese army and people. 日军在侵华战争期间,无视国际公约(法),在战场上频频使用化学武器,致使众多中国军民伤亡。
- The Chinese army must do the best you can the first prize in the exercise, unfolds our country Illustrious military might highly, frightens for the anti-Chinese influence. 中国军队必须在演习中力把头筹,高度展现我国赫赫军威,给反华势力以震慑。
- Parts of the long-derelict route were first opened by the Allies during the second world war to supply Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese army in its war with the Japanese. 其中部分弃置已久的路段是二战期间由盟军打通的,用来为与日本人作战的蒋介石的中国军队提供物资供应。