- Chenopodium serotinum n. 小藜
- Chenopodium ambrosioides L. var. [医] 美洲土荆芥
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Chenopodium glaucum Linn. 灰绿藜的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Seeds of Chenopodium album L. 藜的化学成分研究。
- Any of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium, having small greenish flowers. 藜属植物一种藜属的莠草,有小绿花
- A common weed(Chenopodium album) having lance-shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers. 苋一种普通的野草(藜藜属),长有叶面有花斑的长矛状叶子,开有绿色的小花
- A common weed(Chenopodium album)having lance - shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers. 苋一种普通的野草(藜藜属),长有叶面有花斑的长矛状叶子,开有绿色的小花
- Effects of salt and water stress on the seed germination of Chenopodium glaucum L. 不同盐分与水分胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发效应研究。
- Studies on seed germination and storage of the invasive alien harmful species Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 外来有害植物土荆芥种子贮藏与萌发特性的研究。
- Effect of simulated drought inducement on drought-resistance of Chenopodium album. 模拟干旱诱导对藜抗旱力的影响。
- Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration from Immature Inflorescence Explants of Chenopodium glaucum L. 灰绿藜幼嫩花序的组织培养及植株再生。
- A tropical American plant(Chenopodium ambrosioides) yielding an oil used as an anthelmintic. 美洲土荆芥一种热带美洲植物(土荆芥藜属),分泌油脂可作驱肠虫剂
- Chenopodium album poetry Di center located in linking lots Nandan Tung Road, near Caoxibeilu. 莱诗邸位于徐家汇中心地段,南丹东路,靠近漕溪北路。
- Let me revisit this memory is last week Chenopodium album Ladies flagship store in the Hang Lung grand opening. 让我重温这个记忆的,是在上周莱俪旗舰店入住恒隆盛大的开幕式上。
- Title: Study on Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 关键词:土荆芥;挥发油;气相色谱-质谱联用;化学成分
- Chenopodium album of poetry Di residential architectural design consultants are Pakistani & Advisory (Shanghai) Ltd. 莱诗邸小区的设计顾问是巴硕建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司;
- Nicosulfuron + 2,4-D butyl ester was synergistic in inhibiting wheat sprout growth and in Chenopodium album and Setaria viridis control. 烟嘧磺隆+2,4-滴丁酯对小麦芽长的相互作用为增效作用,对藜和狗尾草的相互作用为增效作用。
- Chenopodium album Hing Hing center developers, real estate companies Hailai Founded in 1993, the two companies jointly formed by the cities. 莱兴中心的开发商上海莱兴房产公司成立于1993年,由沪港两家公司共同投资组建。
- Treated with the extract from Abies firma, Jabia Japonica, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Hedera helix, Datura metal and Iris chinensis for 96 hours, the mortality was above 82%. 其它依次为日本冷杉、清风藤、土荆芥、常春藤、曼陀罗、鸢尾,药后96h白蚊伊蚊死亡率均在82%25以上。
- A nicosulfuron + atrazine was additive in inhibiting sprout growth of germinating wheat, while a slight synergism was observed in Chenopodium album and Setaria viridis control. 结果表明:烟嘧磺隆+莠去津对小麦芽长的相互作用为相加作用,对黎和狗尾草稍有增效作用;