- Central Command Network 中央指挥网
- Israel central command counter attacked. 以色列中央司令部反袭击。
- A central command reconciles arguments and recalibrates signals to be in sync. 于是需要一条中央指令来调节纠纷并修正信号,使大家同步起来。
- The situation model of CECA loop is represented by information network, and conceptual model of CECA loop is implemented by command network. 接收本平台观测的信息流、其他平台发送的信息流和指挥流。
- Ya'alon used to be head of the Central Command which includes the West Bank under its jurisdiction. 亚哈隆原为中央指挥部司令,管辖地区包括西岸在内。
- The highly complex ‘lunar orbit insertion manoeuvre’ was performed from Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft Control Centre of ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network at Bangalore. 高度复杂的'月球轨道插入操纵'完成从月球- 1航天器控制中心,印度空间研究组织的遥测,跟踪和指挥网络在班加罗尔。
- Therefore the MOC is the central Command, Control and Communications Centre to direct Games operations when necessary. 因此,主运行中心是在必要情况下指导奥运会运行的中央指挥、控制和联络中心。
- At Central Command, General Petraeus will replace Admiral William Fallon, who announced his retirement six weeks ago. 彼得雷乌斯将军将取代海军上将法伦任中央司令部司令。法伦在六个星期前宣布退休。
- Furthermore, we are requesting reinforcements from Central Command to replace our squadron members lost in combat. 此外,根据中央的要求,有关在本次战斗中失去成员的飞行部队,将重新编组人员。
- The Central Command, which controls the Horn of Africa, set up a task force there in attempt to catch any al Qaeda escaping from Afghanistan after the war started in late 2001. 中央司令部现管辖着好望角,在那里布置了一支力量,用来抓捕从2001年阿富汗战争之后从阿富汗逃至阿而巴尼亚的恐怖分子。
- Space centers capable of launching satellites of various types and manned spacecraft as well as a TT Telemetry Tracking and Command network consisting of ground stations across the country and tracking and telemetry ships are in place. 建立了能发射各类卫星和载人飞船的航天器发射中心和由国内各地面站、远程跟踪测量船组成的测控网。
- He is also set to choose Navy Admiral William Fallon to succeed Army General John Abizaid as head of the U.S. Central Command. 布希还准备挑选海军上将法伦接任陆军上将阿比扎伊德出任美国中央司令部总司令。
- When reports came in indicating the presence of an adaptive combat system similar to the MARV, Central Command demanded action. 当报告接踵而至时,说明存在着一种适应性作战系统,类似于MARV这种中央指挥部所要求功能。
- The U.S. military has a system under which each region of the world is overseen by a specific command, such as the Pacific Command, Central Command and so on. 美国军方现有的对世界各个地区的监察系统是在一个特殊司令部(体系)管辖之下,比如太平洋司令部,中央司令部等等。
- This is a large and commanding network which impressed the EPSRC so much that they awarded us more funding than we had requested. 留下了深刻印象,我们从其得到的资助大大超出了我们所要求的。
- The USSR didn't collapse because its economy was strangled by a central command model.Rather it collapsed because any central-controlled complexity is unstable and inflexible. 苏联的崩溃并非因为中央集权体制扼杀了经济,而是因为所有由中央控制的复杂系统都僵化且不稳定。
- Consequently, the problem arises of setting up a unified or centralized command in such guerrilla zones or base areas. 因此,就在这种游击区或根据地里面,发生了统一指挥,即集中指挥的问题。
- space instrumentation and command network 航天测控网
- Army Special Operations Command Network 军队特种作战指挥网络