- Carpopeltis rigida n. 硬盾果藻
- Juniperus rigida S. et Z. [医] 杜松
- The soluble protein content and its SDS-PAGE patterns in leaves of Neosinocalamus affinis,Dendrocalamus farinosus and Bambusa rigida from the different regions of Sichuan province were studied. 以四川省不同地区慈竹、梁山慈竹及硬头黄竹的叶片为材料,测定叶片可溶性蛋白质含量,采用SDS-PAGE技术研究其可溶性蛋白谱带的差异。
- The content of lignin and cellulose of Neosinocalamus affinis and Bambusa rigida with the typical thick-growing characteristics was studied with samples from different regions in Sichuan province. 以四川4个地区2种丛生竹(慈竹和硬头黄)为研究对象,对其木质素和综纤维含量进行研究。
- Seedling-Growing Skills of Juniperus rigida 杜松育苗技术
- Juniperus rigida Sieb. et Zucc. population 杜松种群
- Developing Bambusa rigida in Free Space of "Four Sides" 利用"四旁"空地发展黄竹生产
- Sowing and seedling cultivation techniques of Juniperus rigida 杜松播种育苗技术
- Introducing Species of Pinus rigida in Xiaolongshan Forest Area 刚松在小陇山林区的引种
- Discussion on Greening Technique of Juniperus Rigida Seedlings 对使用杜松大苗绿化技术的探讨
- The Effect of Salt Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Pinus rigida 盐胁迫对晚松生理特性的影响
- Effect of Pb Pollution on Physiological Characteristics of Pinus rigida 土壤铅污染对晚松生理特性的影响
- Carpopeltis affinis n. 盾果藻
- Carpopeltis maillardii n. 硬盾果藻
- Comparative Study on Growth Rules among Plantations from Pinus Radiata, P. Massoniana, P. Palustris and P. Rigida Mill. Var. Serotina 辐射松、马尾松、长叶松与晚松人工林的生长规律比较研究
- Carpopeltis formosana n. 台湾盾果藻
- Carpopeltis n. 盾果藻属(隐丝藻科;海膜科)
- Carpopeltis angusta n. 狭枝盾果藻
- Study on relationship between photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and the leaf water potential of Juniperus rigida Sieb. Et Zucc. And Populus alba var. Pyramidalis Buge 杜松、新疆杨光合速率、蒸腾速率与水势的关系研究
- Androsace rigida n. 硬枝点地梅