- Can he lie flat? Do his lips appear blue? 他能躺平吗?他的嘴唇发紫吗?
- Or he lay flat on his bed, staring up at the canopy above. 他有时候连书也不想看,直伸伸地躺在床上,睁起眼睛望着帐顶出神。
- He lay flat on the brown, pine-needled floor of the forest, his chin on his folded arms. 他匍匐在树林里褐色的,积着一层松针的地上,交叉的手臂支着下颚。
- He dampened his hair to make it lie flat. 他把头发弄湿,梳得平平的。
- How can he give us such a tedious lecture. 他怎么能做这么沉闷乏味的演讲。
- Can he speak English? Yes, he can (speak English). 他会讲英语吗?是的,他会讲英语。
- He lay flat on his belly and tried to lift his weight by his hands.It was hopeless, he could not raise himself a centimetre. 他想作俯卧撑,一点也不行,连一毫米也撑不起来。
- How can he reconcile it to his conscience? 他怎能问心无愧呢?
- More importantly, can he be depended on? 更重要的是,可以依靠他吗?
- I don't think he can answer the question, can he? 我想他无法回答这个问题,是吗?
- She lie flat on her back in the warm sunshine. 她在温暖的阳光下平躺着。
- He has an impressive ability to lie flat on a water surface for hours. 他有一种在水面上连续平躺几个小时的令人惊叹的本领。
- In no respect can he be looked upon as a good husband. 无论在哪一方面他都不能被看作是个好丈夫。
- She lay flat on her back in the warm sunshine. 她在温暖的阳光下平躺著。
- Lie flat and let your knees bend. 平躺曲膝。
- He lay face downwards on his bed. 他俯卧在床上。
- Not to be laid flat; Never lie flat. 不可平放。
- He lay on his back and looked up at the sky. 他仰卧著观看天空。
- He lay back and hit the ball for four. 他向后弯身击中球,得了4分。
- He lay back in his chair and dozed off. 他靠在椅子上打起瞌睡来。