- Cache时间特性 Cache timing character
- 钨酸铅晶体荧光衰减时间特性的研究 Study on the fluorescence decay characteristics of lead tungstate crystals
- 光电倍增管线性特性、时间特性参数调试 Measurement of linearity and time response parameters for photomultiplier tube
- 带时间特性的自主访问控制政策及其在Linux上的设计与实现 Design and implementation of discretionary access control policy with time character on Linux
- 在浅外壳破裂康复时间特性上地震学上的迹象 Seismological evidence on characteristic time of crack healing in the shallow crust
- 她没有时间观念。 She has no sense of time.
- 时间特性 time response
- 掌握日语要花几年时间。 It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese.
- 小时是时间单位。 The hour is a unit of time.
- 特性曲线 frequency plot
- 一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。 A skilled technician takes years to train.
- 电气特性 electrical specification
- 会议时间将由主席决定。 The time of the meeting will be fixed at the discretion of the chairman.
- 释放时间特性 release time characteristic
- 要明智地使用你的时间。 Try to use your time sensibly.
- cache的主要用途是重用前一次处理得出的结果以减少服务时间和增加吞吐量。 The primary purpose of a cache is to reduce service time and increase throughput by reusing the results of a previous computation.
- 电压-时间特性 V-t characteristics
- 正常时间特性 normal time response
- 吸合时间特性 operate time characteristic
- 运用时间特性 [电] operate-time characteristic