- CT立体定向 CT-guided sterotaetic procedure
- 螺旋CT立体定位穿刺活检诊断肺部结节或肿块 Stereotactic puncture biopsy guided by spiral CT in diagnosis of localized neoplasm mass of lung
- 目的:评价计算机体层摄影(CT)引导下的立体定向法在治疗脑干病变中的意义。 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the importance of CT guided stereotactic operation for brain stem lesions.
- 脑立体定向 Brain stereotactic technique
- 立体定向活检 Stereotactic biopsy
- 立体定向放疗 Stereotactic radiotherapy
- 立体定向适形 Stereotactic
- 立体定向照射 Stereotactic irradiation
- 立体定向放射 Stereotactic radiotherapy(SRT)
- 立体定向治疗 Sterotactic treatment
- 立体定向伽玛刀 gamma knife radiosurgery
- 脑立体定向手术 Cerebral stereotaxic surgery
- 立体定向活检术 stereotactic brain biopsy
- 立体定向穿刺术 Stereotactie aspiration
- 半肝交替三维立体定向适形放射治疗原发性弥漫性肝癌的近期疗效 The recent effect of semi-liver alternate and three - dimensional conformal radiotherapy for patient with liver primary pervasive cancer
- 通常只能用特殊的立体定向(立体调节)引发剂来合成等规聚合物。 The synthesis isotactic polymers is usually only possible by means of special stereospecific (stereoregulating)initiators.
- 立体定向置管引流 The three -dimensional directiondetection sets at the tube drainage
- 立体定向放射治疗 stereotactic radiotherapy
- 立体定向定位技术 stereotactic technique
- 立体定向适形放疗 Stereotactic conformal radiotherapy