- CT脑血管医学图像 CT cerebrovascular medical image
- CT脑血管图像 CT cerebrovascular image
- 三维CT脑血管造影 Three dimensional CT angiography
- 容积重建法CT脑血管造影的临床应用 Clinical application of three-dimensional spiral CT cerebral angiography with volume rendering
- 生物医学 biomedicine
- 临床医学 clinical medicine
- 心电图同期CT脑血管造影 electrocardiogram-gated CT angiography
- 基于增强的粒子滤波算法的医学图像动态轮廓跟踪新方法 Dynamic contour tracking of medical images based on improved particle filter
- 螺旋CT脑血管造影造影剂注射速度与延迟时间参数研究 The Parameters Study About Contrast Material Injection Rate and Delay Time in Spiral CT Angiography of Cerebral Vessels
- 超声医学图像 Supersonic medicine picture
- 中医学 traditional Chinese medicine
- 生物医学工程 biomedical engineering
- 在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。 There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.
- 生物医学图像 biomedical image
- CT图像 CT image
- 胸部CT图像 chest CT image
- 数字医学图像 digital medical image
- 脑出血CT图像 cerebral computerized tomography
- 医学图像处理 medical image processing
- 结肠浸润型腺癌CT图像。 This CT image of the abdomen demonstrates an encircling mass involving the colon. This is a colonic adenocarcinoma.