- CT脑池造影片 CT cisternogram
- CT脑池造影(照)片 CT cisternogram
- 甲基泛影酰胺CT脑池造影法 metrizamide CT cisternography
- CT脑池造影 CT cisternography
- 海洋深水试验池造流系统整流装置数值计算与分析 The numerical simulation and analysis of water commutating equipment in current generation system of deepwater offshore basin
- 血管造影片,脉搏图 angiogram
- 脑 brain
- CT脑池造影术 CT cisternography
- 延迟排泄性尿路造影片 late excretory urogram
- 池 pond
- 氙CT脑血流成像研究 The study of cerebral blood flow with xenon CT
- 造字 word-formation
- 脑的 cerebric
- 造粒 pelleting
- 血管造影片,脉搏描记图,脉搏图仪 angiograph
- 脑出血 cerebral hemorrhage
- 沉淀池 flow tank
- 造粒机 pelletizer
- 脑梗塞 cerebral infarction
- 造势 make a show of power