- 孤立性肺结节多层螺旋CT灌注成像与血管生成的相关性研究 Correlative study of multi-slice CT perfusion and microvessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor in solitary pulmonary nodules
- 兔脑血流动力学与缺血半暗带多层螺旋CT灌注成像的实验研究 An Experimental Study on Cerebral Hemodynamics and Ischemia Penumbra in Rabbits by Multislice CT Perfusion Imaging
- 脑胶质瘤X刀治疗前后的CT灌注成像和MR表现与VEGF、MMP-2、MMP-9表达相关性的实验研究 CT Perfusion on Brain Gliomas with Pre-and Post-irradiation by X-knife Treatment and the Correlation between MRI and Expression of VEGF,MMP-2,MMP-9 of the Tumors: Experimental Study.
- CT灌注成像(CTPI) CT perfusion imaging (CTPI)
- 肝脏CT灌注成像测定肝有效血流量的准确性与可重复性研究 The veracity and reproducibility of hepatic CT perfusion imaging: an animal experiment and clinical study
- 胶质瘤CT灌注成像对脑血容量与血管表面通透性的相关性研究 Evaluation of the correlation between cerebral blood volume and permeability surface from CT perfusion images with glioma grade
- 方法:对46例AICVD患者行CT平扫、CTPI和CTA检查。 Methods:Examinations of plain CT scan, CTPI and CTA were performed in 46 cases with AICVD.
- 血流灌注成像 blood perfusion imaging
- 对比观察AICVD患者的CT平扫、CTPI和CTA图像; 分析CI组病灶大小与CTA变化的关系。 The plain CT scans and CTPI and CTA of the patients with AICVD were observed and compared, and the relation between the size of the lesions and CTA findings was analyzed in CI group.
- 基于肺部血流MRI信号在心动周期内变化的灌注成像技术研究 MRI pulmonary perfusion imaging study based on the variety of signal intensity in lung parenchyma during a cardiac cycle
- CT灌注 CT perfusion
- 流动敏感交互式反转恢复磁共振灌注成像技术及其初步临床应用 Flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery MR perfusion technique: the initial experience of clinical application
- CT灌注像 CT perfusion imaging
- 磁共振肾灌注成像技术 MR Perfusion Imaging Technique of the Kidney
- 肝纤维化和肝硬化的CT灌注、MR扩散与磁化传递的早期影像学诊断研究 Early Imaging Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis with Perfusion CT, DWI, and MTI
- CT灌注成像在脑肿瘤中的应用 Application of CT Perfusion Imaging in Cerebral Tumor
- 脑胶质瘤磁共振灌注成像与病理对照研究 Correlative Study of MR Perfusion Weighted Imaging with Histopathologic Grade in Gliomas
- CT灌注测量中去卷积算法准确性的检验 Deconvolution arithmetic in CT perfusion measurement of renal cortex perfusion
- 肝硬化病人灌注成像显示HAP增加,而PVP下降; Perfusion imaging showes HAP increased insteased of PVP decreased in the cirrhosis patient,and HAF distinct increased in the hepatoma patients.
- 胰腺炎的CT灌注表现与临床相关性研究 Study of the Correlation between Perfusion CT Manifestation and Clinic in Pancreatitis