- CT双源 Dual source CT
- 双源CT血管造影 CT angiography
- 双 pair
- 双源库存 double source stock
- 螺旋CT双期扫描 Dual phase helical CT
- 双源模型 dual source model
- 双击 double-click
- CT双窗技术在肺部X刀定位中的价值 The Value of CT Double Windows Technique in the Location of Lung X-ray Knife
- 双语 diglossia
- 外源 exogenous dna
- 双赢 Win-win
- 同源性 homology
- 螺旋CT双期扫描对小肝癌的诊断价值 Evaluation of Dual-phase Spiral CT in Diagnosis of Small Hepatic Cell Carcinoma
- 双色 two-tone color
- 双线 crewel
- 双字 double word
- 双倍 doubling
- 双核 dicaryon
- 双语的 bilingual
- 双性恋 bisexual love