- COM对象 COM object
- 怎样从远端服务器运行COM对象? How can I run COM object from remote server?
- 在您的类中设置代码以创建COM对象 To set up the code in your class to create a COM object
- QStat示例:包装COM对象以公开业务逻辑 QStat Sample: Wraps a COM Object to Expose Business Logic
- 该向导实现COM对象的连接点。 This wizard implements a connection point for a COM object.
- 它们还可以混合HTML代码和COM对象。 They may also be mixed with HTML code and COM objects.
- .NET客户端和COM对象之间的跨单元调用 Cross-apartment call between a.NET client and COM object
- 补子对象 supplementary subobjects
- 用于存储数据的COM对象的内部哈希表中的键。 The key in the internal hash table of the COM object in which to store the data.
- 对象捕捉 OBject Snap
- 对象观 a point of an object
- COM COM Add - ins
- 它们评价的是运算对象值之间的关系。 They evaluate the relationship between the values of the operands.
- com紧 core compact
- 相对象 evaluate a prospective marriage partner
- 常对象 constant
- Com口 Com board
- 用户对象 user object
- 双击可激活嵌入的对象 Double click to activate the embedded