- CENTUM-XL集散控制系统 CENTUM-XL Distributed Control System
- CENTUM-B集散控制系统实时数据采集部分的改进 The improvement of data collection parts of CENTUM-B DCS System
- 在Delphi开发环境下,利用组态技术设计了基于集散控制系统的工程师站软件. Under Delphi development environment, engineer station software based on DCS is designed by the use of configuration technology.
- 在系统配置上采用惠普HP9000/800 计算机,安川CP?3500HPLC 及横河CENTUM?CS集散控制系统组成三电一体化系统。 提高了控制水平,在节能、省力和确保炉况顺行等方面上了一个新台阶 As for system configuration, Hewlett Packard HP 9000/800 process computer, Yaskawa CP 3500H PLC and Yokogawa CENTUM CS DCS, have been adopted to build up an EIC integrated control system, which has upgraded the No1 BF control level and serves to promote a great step in saving energy, saving manpower as well as securing furnace operating smoothly.
- 文摘:介绍了集散控制系统在矿区焦化厂生产过程中的应用。 Abstract: This paper introduces the application of centrali zed and decentralized control system in the production process of digging s coking plant.
- 计算机集散控制系统(DCS)在中央空调控制系统中的应用 Application of the Computer in the Control System of Central Air Conditioner of Collecting and Distributing Control System (DCS)
- DCS集散控制系统 DCS
- 水厂集散控制系统 DCS in Water Purification Plant
- 小型集散控制系统 distributed control system
- 集水井集散控制系统 Well of Collected Water Distributing Computer Control System
- 计算机集散控制系统 DCS
- 晶体生长集散控制系统 The DCS for Crystal Growth
- 介绍了集散控制系统的组成。 The compo sition of Distributed Control System is introduced.
- 智能充电机低成本集散控制系统设计 Design of low cost DCS for intelligent charger
- Honeywell集散控制系统 Honeywell DCS
- 集散控制系统的通讯网络 Communication Networks of Decentralized Control System
- 精苯蒸馏集散控制系统 DCS Control System on Benzene Distillation Process
- 石膏粉生产线集散控制系统 Distributed Control System for Land Plaster Production
- 锅炉集散控制系统的研究 Research of a Boiler Distributive Control System
- 集散控制系统的自诊断技术 Self-diagnostic Technology of Distributed Control Systems