- CCD成像系统 CCD imaging system
- 台阶法测量CCD成像系统MTF的原理及方法 Principle and Method of Measuring CCD Imaging's MTF with Step Sample
- 系统 system
- 大视场CCD成像系统像面均匀性测试技术研究 Research on measuring technique for image sensors'uniformity of the CCD image-forming system with large-field angle
- 台阶法测量CCD成像系统MTF的数据处理方法 Data Processing Method of Measuring CCD Imaging MTF with Step Sample
- 系统的 systemic
- CCD成像 CCD imaging
- 用于自动变光电焊焊接护目镜以及看焊缝的ccd成像系统。 For Automatic Welding-Electric Arc welding goggles and ccd imaging system.
- CCD成像仪 CCD
- CCD成像器 CCD imager
- 一种基于新颖的CMOS有源像素图像传感器的微型星敏感器成像系统的实现方法 A Kind of Design Method of Subminiature Star Sensor's Imagine System Based on a Novel CMOS Active Pixel Sensor
- CCD成像单元 CCD imaging unit
- RS-232串口通信技术在光纤共焦扫描显微成像系统中的应用 Application of RS-232 Serial Communication in Fiber-optic Confocal Scanning Microscope
- CCD成像在线测量玻璃棒直径的方法研究 Research Into a Method for On-Line CCD Imaging Measurement of the Diameter of Glass Rod
- 射线实时成像系统与传统射线照相的可靠性对比试验及分析 The Comparison Test and Analysis of Reliability between Radiographic Real-time Imaging System and Traditional Radiographic Testing
- 反演解析法提高CCD成像分辨率的噪声影响研究 Research on Noise Influence upon Inversion Analysis for Enhancement of CCD Resolution
- X光成像系统 X-ray imaging system
- 实时电阻抗断层成像系统对离体心脏充盈模型成像的初步结果 Prelinimary image results of in vitro heart perfusion model by real-time electrical impedance tomography
- 成像系统的探讨 On Approach of Imaging System
- X射线成像系统 X-ray imaging system