- 图像 picture
- 基于CCD图像的平板显示器像素的亮度分析 Method of Luminance Analysis for Pixels of Flat Panel Display Based on CCD image
- 基于CCD图像的切屑形态参数检测技术研究 Study on Detection of Geometric Parameters of Chip Based on CCD Image
- CCD图像传感器件的输出噪声及其处理电路研究 Study on Noise in CCD Output Signal and Its Processing Circuit
- 基于同步时分复用技术的数字CCD图像数据的光纤传输设计 The Design of Fiber Transmission System for Digital CCD Camra Image Data Based on Synchronous Time-Division Multiplexing
- 图像处理 image processing
- 数字图像处理 digital image processing
- 提高CCD图像传感器填充因子的微透镜阵列的研究 Research on microlens array for improving the fill factor of CCD image sensors
- 图像分割 image segmentation
- 图像识别 pattern recognition
- 线阵CCD图像减影技术实现抛射物体轨迹实时检测 Linear CCD and image-subtraction analysis to detect projectile motion in real time
- 数字图像 digital image
- 图像压缩 image compression
- 图像增强 image enhancement
- 二值图像 bianry image
- 视频图像 VI
- 图像预处理 image preprocessing
- 今晚电视图像不清晰。 The television picture is fuzzy tonight.
- 图像传感器 picture sensor
- 灰度图像 gray level image