- CCD图像分割 image segmentation
- 图像 picture
- 图像分割 image segmentation
- 基于CCD图像的平板显示器像素的亮度分析 Method of Luminance Analysis for Pixels of Flat Panel Display Based on CCD image
- 基于CCD图像的切屑形态参数检测技术研究 Study on Detection of Geometric Parameters of Chip Based on CCD Image
- 基于均匀性图分水岭变换及两步区域合并的彩色图像分割 Color image segmentation based on watershed transformation upon homogeneity image and two-step region merging
- CCD图像传感器件的输出噪声及其处理电路研究 Study on Noise in CCD Output Signal and Its Processing Circuit
- 基于知识的图像分割系统及其光电混合硬件支持系统的设技 A knowledge-based image segmentation system and its opto-electronic hybrid hardware support system
- 基于同步时分复用技术的数字CCD图像数据的光纤传输设计 The Design of Fiber Transmission System for Digital CCD Camra Image Data Based on Synchronous Time-Division Multiplexing
- 基于边带限制的梯度矢量流主动轮廓线模型的超声图像分割 Band Limitation-Based Gradient Vector Flow Active Contour Model for Ultrasound Image Segmentation
- 提高CCD图像传感器填充因子的微透镜阵列的研究 Research on microlens array for improving the fill factor of CCD image sensors
- 有限元方法主动模型气球(balloon)在医学图像分割中的应用 Medical Image Segmentation Using Finite Element Methods for Active Model and Balloon
- 线阵CCD图像减影技术实现抛射物体轨迹实时检测 Linear CCD and image-subtraction analysis to detect projectile motion in real time
- MR图像分割 MR image segmentation
- 基于曲线拟合的非对称采样精度CCD图像中心检测算法 Study on Detection Algorithm of the Center of Unsymmetric Sampling Precision CCD Imgae Based on Curve Fitting
- SAR图像分割 SAR image segmentation
- CCD图像 CCD image
- 3维图像分割 3D image segmentation
- CT图像分割 CT image segmentation
- CCD图像采集 image capture