- LIN总线 LIN bus
- 总线 trunk (circuit)
- 车载LIN总线 LIN bus
- LIN总线协议 LIN protocol
- LIN总线通信展示板的实现 Realization of LIN-bus Communication Demonstration Board
- CAN总线及其较高层网络协议在航空航天上的可适用性探讨 The Applicability of CAN Bus and Its Upper Layer Network Protocol in Aerospace
- 现场总线 fieldbus
- 基于LIN总线的车身控制系统研究 Study on the Automotive Body Control System Based on LIN Sub-bus
- CAN总线 CAN bus
- 基于LIN总线的汽车车身系统的设计 Design of the automotive body network based on LIN bus
- 基于CAN总线的分布式设备数据采集与监控系统的研究与应用 Research on and Application of Distributed Equipment Data Acquisition and Monitoring System Based on CAN Bus
- 基于LIN总线分布式电缆火灾监测系统 Distributed Cable Fire Monitoring System Based on LIN Bus
- 汽车CAN总线 automobile CAN-Bus
- LIN总线技术在汽车中央集控门锁上的应用 Applications of LIN Bus Technology in Automobile Central-Controlled Gate Lock
- CAN总线技术 CAN bus technology
- LIN总线技术在汽车智能灯控系统中的应用。 Application of LIN fieldbus in the intellectual lights controller of automotive systems.
- CAN总线通信 CAN communications
- 基于LIN总线的轿车车窗与后视镜控制系统研制 Design of Electric Control System of Car Windows and Rearview Mirrors Based on LIN Bus