- CA数字证书 CA digital certificate
- 论CA数字证书与组织机构代码证书的协同应用 The Application of CA Digital Certificate and Organizational Code Certificate
- 并详细分析了SSL协议工作原理 . 讨论了如何利用CA数字证书签发机构和SSL协议原理在Internet/Intranet中建立Web安全站点 . In addition, it demonstrates the working principle of SSL(Secure Socket Layer) protocol in details, and tells how to build secure web site on Internet/Intranet making use of CA Digital Certificate Signing Authority and SSL protocol.
- 证书 certificate
- 毕业证书 diploma
- 数字证书 digital certificate
- 该方案不依赖数字证书提供认证,计算开销降低到O(log3n)。 The scheme provides authentication independent of digital certification and its computational cost is reduced to O(log3n).
- x.509数字证书 X. 509 certificate
- 数字证书中心 digital certificate center
- E-Key数字证书 E-Key digital certificate
- 公钥基础设施PKI利用数字证书为网络安全交易提供基本保障。 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a base to provide Internet security services using public key certificate.
- 工商数字证书应用 Application in digital certificate for industrial and commercial enterprises
- PKCS#12数字证书 PKCS%2312 digital certificate
- 申请用户的数字证书 Requesting Digital Certificates for Users
- 数字证书认证中心 CA
- 电子商务数字证书 e-commerce digital certificate
- 四是管好数字证书。 4 it is certificate of tubal good number.
- 请咨询PKI管理员以了解如何使用户的数字证书可以被客户端系统使用。 Confer with the PKI administrator to find out how user's digital certificates will be made available to the client system.
- 天津市数字证书认证中心 Tianjin Digital Certificate Authority Center