- C11A7·CaF2 C11 A7·CaF2
- CaF2晶体 CaF2 crystal
- Ni-P-CaF2 Ni-P-CaF2
- CaF2纳米晶 CaF2 nanocrystals
- CaF2晶核剂 CaF2 nucleating agents
- Ni45-CaF2-WS2 Ni45-CaF2-WS2
- Al2O3-SiO2-CaF2玻璃 Al2O3-SiO2-CaF2 glass
- Al2O-SiO2-P2O5-CaF2玻璃 Al2O-SiO2-P2O5-CaF2 system glass
- BaO-CaO-CaF2-Cr2O3渣系 BaO-CaO-CaF2 - Cr2O3slag system
- 包钢特殊渣中的CaF2和碱金属(N2O+K2O)的质量分数分别接近于2.52%和0.19%,属于低氟、低碱金属的炉渣. The content of CaF_2 and alkali metal(Na_2O+K_2O) in the special slag of Baotou Iron and Steel(Group)Company was close to 2.52%25 and 0.19%25 respectively,which belongs to the slag of low fluorine and low alkali metal.
- 用阿基米德实验方法,采用二次正交回归实验设计,研究了低温铝电解质Na3AlF6 AlF3 Al2O3 CaF2 MgF2 NaCl体系的密度. The density of the Na_3AlF_6- AlF_3-Al_2O_3-CaF_2-MgF_2-NaCl system was investigated with the Archimedean method based on quadratic orthogonal regression experiments.
- 本研究在铝电解质Na3AlF6-MgF2-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3中添加TiO2,通过差热分析和XRD分析,发现添加TiO2以后对电解质的物理化学性质影响很小。 When TiO2 is added into the Na3AlF6-MgF2-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3,TiO2 has a little effect on the physical and chemical properties of electrolyte by DSC and XRD analysis.
- 研究了熔炼时在熔剂(42%MnCl2+53%LiCl+5%CaF2,质量分数,%)中添加稀土Er对铸态AZ91镁合金显微组织、力学性能、断口形貌以及腐蚀行为的影响。 The effects of Er addition in the flux(42%25MnCl2+53%25LiCl+5%25CaF2,mass fraction,%25) on the microstructure,tensile properties,fractography,and corrosion behaviour of casting AZ91 Mg alloy were investigated.
- 其中涂敷SiO2,TiO2,Cr2O3 表面活性剂对15MnVR钢的焊接熔深增加不明显,而涂敷 CaF2 表面活性剂时焊接熔深可增加 2.5倍,表面堆焊可焊透厚度为6 mm的钢板. By contrast, when CaF_2 is used as the activator, the depth of fusion increases by 2.5 times, the surface build-up welding for 6 mm plate in thickness can be welded fully.