- C倍体 colchiploid
- 四倍体小麦矮杆地方品种的C带分析 C-band analysis on the dwarf landrace of tetraploid wheat
- 异倍体的染色体的数目不是单倍体物种的染色体的整倍数的 Having a chromosome number that is not a whole-number multiple of the haploid chromosome number for that species.
- 四倍体种 a tetraploid species.
- 双四倍体 double tetraploid
- 超倍体 hyperploid
- 丹倍体 monoploid
- 单性二倍体 parthenogenetic diploid
- DNA倍体 DNA ploidy
- 杂倍体 anisoploid; anisopolyploid; dysploid
- 二倍体状态 diploid condition
- 等倍体 isoploid
- 高倍体 highly ploidy
- 一个五倍体染色体 A pentaploid individual.
- 异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始亲本遗传变异的微卫星标记分析 Microsatellite Marker Analysis of Genetic Variation Between the Allotetraploid Crucian-carp and Their Original Parents
- 四倍体鱼 Tetraploid fish
- 八倍体的染色体数为染色体基数的八倍的 Having eight haploid sets of chromosomes in a body cell.
- 全三倍体 all-triploid
- 亚四倍体 hypotetraploid
- 亚六倍体 hypo-hexaploid