- 同种抗体;同族抗体由与抗原相同的种类产生的或衍生的抗体,由它对该抗原作出反应 An antibody produced by or derived from the same species as the antigen with which it reacts.
- A同族抗体 A isoantibody
- B同族抗体 B isoantibody
- 同 like
- 同族抗体 isoantibody
- 血同族抗体 hemisoantibody
- ABH同族抗体 ABH isoantibody
- ABO同族抗体 ABO isoantibody
- 同族意识,宗族主义强烈的对本宗族或集团的忠诚和情感上的认同感 A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one's tribe or group.
- 抗白细胞同族抗体 anti-leucocyte isoantibody
- 同族 kin
- 同种抗体; 同族抗体由与抗原相同的种类产生的或衍生的抗体,由它对该抗原作出反应 An antibody produced by or derived from the same species as the antigen with which it reacts.
- 属于同族 to be of the same kith and kin
- 同族凝集反应一个个体的红血球因为同种类另一个体血清中的抗体而发生的凝集 The agglutination of the red blood cells of an individual by antibodies in the serum of another individual of the same species.
- 同族发明 cognate invention
- 同族家系 A pure line.
- 同族语言 cognate language
- 同族词 related word
- 猕同族免疫 Rh isoimmunization
- 同族键 generic key