- Beijing Hua Hai Ji Ye High-Tech Business Incubation Co., Ltd. 北京华海基业科技孵化器有限公司。
- Roundtable: Does Your City Promote or Inhibit Business Incubation? 圆桌会议:你所在城市提升或抑制孵化器?
- The business incubation is a kind of for start a business the ministrant organization. 企业孵化器是一种为创业服务的组织。
- Many Native American communities are considering business incubation and entrepreneurship support as economic development strategies. 当今美国本土社会把孵化器和企业家看作经济发展战略。
- Hackett S M,D M Dilts.A Systematic Review of Business Incubation Research[J].Journal of Technology Transfer,2004,29(1):55-82. 刘颖杰曹东溟.;企业孵化器创新功能分析[J]
- It has developed the Technology-based Business Incubation Programme to nurture technology start-ups and the Technology Transfer Programme to foster technology culture and business-matchmaking. 除推行为新成立的科技公司开办的科技创业培育计划外,该公司亦举办促进本地科技文化和促成商务合作伙伴关系的科技转移计划。
- For 2008, the ESA said the winner will receive direct support at one of the three ESA business incubation centers located in the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. 对于2008年,欧空局称胜出的提案将会受到来自欧空局孵化中心的直接支持,欧空局共有三个商业孵化中心,分别位于荷兰、德国和意大利。
- How can the Business Incubator going now? 风险投资在某种程度上正好弥补了孵化器在发展上遇到一些不足。
- Beijing Jinghai Hi-tech Business Incubator Co., Ltd. 北京京海科技企业孵化器有限公司。
- Business Incubator for Returned Personnel is the first provincial incubator. 留学人员创业园是宁夏首家省级留学人员创业园。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Although there are many functions of big-tech business incubator, but most of them have the character of intermediary. 虽然科技企业孵化器功能众多,但其大多数功能都具有中介性质。
- As an intermediary service organization,business incubator has it's own law of development. 企业孵化器作为一种中介服务机构,也有其自身发展规律。
- Based on this, the future extensions of business incubators appraisal have been given. 在此基础上,提出了企业孵化器评价的未来发展方向。
- It is one of only two business incubators in the UK recognised by China’s Ministry of Science &Technology. 这里是中国科技部认可的两个英国企业孵化中心之一。
- Hi-tech Innovation Service Center is called business incubator in America, aiming at serving the science-based S& M enterprises. 高新技术创业服务中心”在美国被称为“企业孵化器”,是为科技型中小企业服务的。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。
- Many STIPs and business incubators have started small scaled risk investment. Some returned students from abroad established enterprises with international venture capital. 许多高新区、企业孵化器也尝试开展小规模的风险投资活动,一些留学人员回国创办企业,也带有国际风险投资的背景。
- Technology Business Incubators New Jersey offers technology companies a comprehensive infrastructure to support their ventures. 新泽西为科技公司的事业开展提供了全面的基础服务。