- The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。
- The U.S. Congress is the counterpart of the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当於英国的议会。
- The House of Lords is the Upper House of the British Parliament. 贵族院就是英国议会的上院。
- The House of Commons is part of the British Parliament. 下议院是英国议会的一部分。
- The British Parliament comprises/consists of/is composed of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 英国国会是由下议院和上议院组成的。
- The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise/compose/constitute the British Parliament. 下议院和上议院组成了英国国会。
- The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament . 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。
- Congress is the counterpart of the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。
- The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 英国国会由上、下两院所组成。
- American Revolution: The British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, which was very unpopular in the British colonies. 1766年的今天,英国议会废除了在英属殖民地内非常不受欢迎的印花税法案。
- The official published verbatim report of the proceedings of a parliamentary body,originally of the British Parliament. 官方出版的议会机构会议记录一字不差的报告,源于英国议会。
- Present Sunday trading laws are based on an act of British Parliament passed centuries ago. 目前的英国星期日贸易法是根据一百年前议会通过的一项法案制定的。
- When the Catholic Gaels of Ulster rebelled, the British Parliament passed the Articles of Plantation. 当阿尔斯特地区信奉天主教的盖尔人起义时,英国议会通过“移民条例”。
- There will be no change to the criteria for issuing or refusing a visa, which are laid down by the British Parliament. 英国议会规定签发或不予受理签证的标准将不会发生任何改变。
- The British Parliament is comprised of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 英国议会由上院和下院组成。
- The marquis was an ally in the British Parliament during the American Revolution. 美国解放时期这位侯爵是英国议会中的支持者。
- The British Parliament passes the Stamp Act, the first direct tax levied from England on the American colonies. 1765年的今天,英国国会通过《印花税法案》,印花税从而成为在首个在美国直接征收的英国税种。
- Act of the British Parliament which gives the government power to raise taxes as proposed in the budget. 金融法,财政法(英国议会法案,该法案授予英国政府按预算中的建议征税的权力)
- In 1919, American-born Lady Astor was elected the first female member of the British Parliament. 1919年;美裔女性阿斯特被选举成为第一位英国议会女性议员.
- Westminster is the home of the British Parliament for more than a thousand years. 威斯敏斯特区是一千年来英国的议会所在地。