- the British East Indian Company 英国东印度公司
- British East Indian Company 英国东印度公司
- The East Indian Company's factories were established. 东印度公司代办处建立了。
- The Dutch East Indian Company was founded in 1602, and moved its headquarters to Batavia in 1619. 荷兰东印度公司成立于1602年,1619年将公司总部迁到巴达维亚,1624年占领台湾,对中国和日本的贸易为其在亚洲最重要的两条贸易线。
- Image: British East India Company flag. Png! 图像链接以下页面链接到本图像:不列颠东印度公司大不列颠旗帜!
- The British East India Company, conscious of the disadvantages of unnecessarily antagonizing its Indian subjects, excluded all Christian missionary activity from its territories. 英国的东印度公司,意识到被统治的印度人未必抵抗的弱点,排斥所有来自该地区的基督教传教士。
- East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit. 东亚地区的酸的黄的象浆果的水果。
- East Indian and Australian storks. 印度东部和澳大利亚产的一种鹳。
- Indian company: You have bicephalous cow. 法国公司:你有两头母牛。
- And East Indian has more resistance. 而印度玫瑰木比较有抗力。
- East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood. 东印度一种有用的深紫色树。
- Besides that, I prefer East Indian. 除此之外,我比较喜欢用印度玫瑰木。
- The establishment of the British East India Company in 1600 was a case of economic penetration. 1600年英国东印度公司的建立是经济渗透的实例。
- A thick creamy East Indian stew made with lentils, onions, and various spices. 达西尔东印度的一种稠而细腻的炖制食物,由滨豆、洋葱和各种调味品制成
- As India lies not, Er the end of dynasty, the British direct dominion and this power that has gotten India completely are exercised through eastern Indian company. 随着印度莫卧尔王朝的终结,英国完全取得了印度的直接统治权,这一项权力就通过东印度公司来行使。
- East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit. 东印度树种,厚重的革质树叶,果实可食。
- In 1789 the then Kedah Sultan (King) gave this island to British East India Company in exchange for military protection. 早于1789年,当时的苏丹(国王)割让这岛于英属东印度公司,以换取英帝国的军事保护。
- Its made by the indian company BEST which is a subdivision of Tata. 其所作的印度公司最这是一个细分的塔塔。
- A series of symbolic body postures and hand movements used in East Indian classical dancing. 手印东印度古典舞中一系列有象征意义的手势或肢体语言
- The British East India Company pursued a monopoly on production and export of opium in India after Britain conquered Bengal in the Battle of Plassey in 1757. 英国东印度公司在1757年的普拉赛战役(也就是克莱武徒手洗劫孟加拉国库的那次战役)之后,垄断了整个印度的鸦片出口。