- Bright moon and fine breeze 霁月清风
- There was a bright moon and the weather was a trifle cold. 那是个好月夜,稍稍有点冷。
- Like bright moon and fresh breeze in a hall of jade "好一似;霁月光风耀玉堂.;"
- The full bright moon and the reflection of the snow made a mockery of the night. 明亮的圆月和白雪的反光使夜晚如同白昼一般。
- Accustomed to the autumn moon and vernal breeze. 惯看秋月春风。
- He raised his head and looked at the bright moon. 他抬头望明月。
- Bright plum, cassis and fine minty touches. 李子的味道十分出众,并在舌间留有丝丝的薄荷味。
- The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies. 太阳、月亮和星星都是天体。
- Breeze overblowing the valley bottom gentlely with a bright moon high above. 皓月当空,微风轻轻吹过谷底。
- They celebrate it by eating moon cakes and watch the bright moon. 他们以吃月饼、赏明月的方式来庆祝它。
- May our happiness like the round and bright moon in the sky! 愿我们的幸福如天上美满的月亮!
- Say ,the moon and the stars are very bright tonight . 瞧,今晚月亮十分明亮。
- Say , the moon and the stars are very bright tonight . 瞧,今晚月亮十分明亮。
- The bright moon is riding high in the sky. 明月高悬。
- The moon and the stars moved through the sky. 月亮和星星都在天空移动。
- The bright moon is on one's head. 明月当头
- Salisbury itself is a large and fine city. 索尔兹伯里本身是个优雅的大城市。
- The fairies are dancing in the bright moon light. 仙女们在明亮的月光下跳着舞。
- His courtesy and fine taste won her heart. 他的礼貌举止和高雅品位赢得了她的芳心。
- Walk with the bright moon light in the evening. 我愿晚上在明亮的月光下散步。