- Born-regulated引力理论 Born-regulated gravity
- 笔者将讨论一种新引力理论的方案。 There are big errors in the astronomical observations for testing GR.
- 牛顿引力理论对发现库仑定律的影响 On the Influence of Newton's Gravitation Theory over Coulomb's Law
- 理论依据 theoretical foundation
- 地球引力 G-force
- 克隆播娘蒿的抗寒基因COR(cold regulated gene),为改造植物耐寒性提供新的材料。 Our laboratory successfully cloned the gene cor (cold regulated gene ) from Descurania sophia(L.) .
- Born近似 Born approximation
- 地心引力 gravity
- 理论联系实际 connection between theory and practice
- 一阶Born近似 firstorder Born approximation
- 提出理论 advance a theory
- Born-Infeld方程 Born-Infeld equation
- 翻译理论与实践 Translation Theory and Practice
- Born-Oppenheimer近似 Born-Oppenheimer approximation
- 政治理论 Political Theory
- 地心引力使物体落向地面。 The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.
- 缺陷识别中的逆Born近似方法 Identification of Flaws Based on Inverse Born Approximation
- 控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering
- 海平面的地球引力为多大? What is the force of gravity at sea level?
- Klein-Gordon-Born-Infeld系统 The systerm of Klein-Gordon-Born-Infeld