- 征 journey
- 本征 intrinsic(al)
- 起征点 threshold
- 征得 obtain
- 指征 indicatio
- 代征 levy on the behalf
- 征得同意进行核查 verification by consent
- 起征 begin to levy
- 本征值 proper value
- 第二性征 secondary sex characteristic
- 强征 impress
- 征免 collect or exempt from
- 征人 traveller on a long journey
- 商业征信所 mercantile agency
- 非本征光电离 extrinsic photoionization
- 征名 name-assemblying
- 税收及政府课征 taxes and public imposition
- 强征新兵 to pressgang conscripts
- 阿氏征 Asherman syndrome
- 艾利斯氏征 Allis' sign Ellis' sign