- Black&Scholes模型 Black & Scholes model
- B1ack-Scholes模型 Black-Scholes model
- 分数次Black-Scholes模型 Black-Scholes model
- 数学金融的分数次Black-Scholes模型及应用 Fractional Black-Scholes Model of Mathematical Finance and Applications
- 传统投资项目评价方法基于CAPM与Black-Scholes模型的优化 The Optimization of the Traditional DCF Method: Based on the CAPM and the Black-Scholes Model
- 就标准期权而言 ,CEV与 Black- Scholes模型之间的相关量相对较小 . We find that the prices of barrier options for the CEV process deviate significantly from those for lognormal process. For standard options, the corresponding differences between the CEV and Black Scholes models are relatively small.
- Black-Scholes Black-Scholes
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。 He has all manner of model planes.
- Black-Scholes公式 Black-Scholes formula
- 模板匹配模型 template matching model
- Black-Scholes方程 Black-Scholes equation
- 塑造它们的模型已毁。 The mould in which they were made is broken.
- Black-Scholes假设 Black-Scholes assumptions
- 可熔化模型材料 expendable pattern material
- Black-Scholes定价法 Black-Scholes method
- 预制模型 to preform a mould
- Black-Scholes金融市场 Black Scholes financinal market
- 自模型内压制出管子 extrude tubing
- Black-Scholes微分方程 Blaek-Scholes Differential Equation
- 他们还做这种模型吗? Do they make this model anymore?