- Beta样条曲面 Beta-spline surface
- 有理Beta样条曲面拼接曲面拼接的新算法 A new algorithm between adjacent rational Beta spline surface patches
- Beta样条 Beta-spline
- 有理Beta样条 rational Beta-splines
- Beta样条中形状控制参数对的匹配与应用 Application and match of shape corral parameters in Beta spline
- Beta样条在船舶型线设计中的应用和研究 The application and research of Beta spline in ship mold line design
- B样条曲面拟合方法在人体测量中的应用 Application of B-spline Fitting Surface to Measure of Body
- 两邻接二次B样条曲面G~1光滑拼接的充分条件 Sufficient Condition of G~1 Continuity Between Two Patches of Adjacent Quadric B Spline Surface
- 样条 transect
- 基于散乱数据的层次B-样条曲面重构算法的数值模拟 Numerical Value Simulation of Hierarchy B-Spline Surface Reconstruction Based on Scattered Data
- 仿样[样条]逼近 spline approximation
- B样条 B spline
- 仿样[样条]拟合 spline fit
- B样条曲线 B-spline curve
- 样条函数 spline function
- B样条曲面 B-spline surface
- B样条曲面 B-spline surface
- 曲面样条 surface spline
- 样条曲面 spline surface
- 箱样条曲面 box-splines surface