- Batis capensis n. 海角喷背鹟(喷背鹟科)
- Bati,maybe you do not know me,no matter.one see clock emtion is pop. 巴蒂,“也许你还不认识我,没有关系,一见钟情很流行。”译“一见钟情”颇费了一番功夫
- Leon Batis S.A. we are international purchaser of textiles leather & eiderdown products for long time. 采购类别:服装辅料\\纺织品;服装\\外衣,皮革;服装\\外衣,人造皮革类;服装\\羽绒服;
- A carnivorous mammal(Mellivora capensis) of Africa and Asia, having short legs and a thick coat that is dark below and whitish above. 蜜獾一种产于非洲和亚洲的肉食性哺乳动物,(蜜獾)腿短,皮毛厚,下暗上白
- The result shows that the forest damaged by Lepus capensis is 126 100 hm~2,and the average rate is 6.71%. 结果表明;在陕北和关中林区遭受草兔危害的面积约为12.;61万hm2;平均被害株率6
- A cording to the new cluster analysis a systematic clyster for the Chinese cape hare, Lepus capensis has been presented in this paper (Fig. 2). 本文用新的聚类方法,对中国草兔进行系统聚类。
- Quanto devi al mio padrone? Quello rispose: Cento bati d’olio. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, siedi, e scrivi presto: Cinquanta. 他说:‘四千公升油。’管家说:‘拿你的欠单去,快坐下写二千。’
- I believe Bati will bring a brand-new BBS to us, you will bring more and more fresh atmosphere to it, and the BBS will get better and better. 我相信诗泽会为我们带来一个崭新的论坛,而你们会它带来越来越多的新鲜气氛,并且这个论坛会越来越好。
- Kati Bati can see the light at the end of tunnel but before that light is piles of numbers and a waiting room filled wiht anxious anticepation. 此档案文件设置为私人。只有在这个用户将您加为好友后,您才能看到其档案文件。
- A strong-smelling succulent shrub (Batis maritima) native to warm coastal regions of the New World, having unisexual flowers and thick leaves that are flattened on the upper surface. 欧洲海蓬子:一种生长在西半球温暖海洋岸边地带的气味浓烈多汁灌木(欧洲海蓬子),具有雌雄异体花朵和上边较平的厚叶
- Conclusion Mus musculus,Rattus norvegicus and lepus capensis were extensively distributed in Qinghai.Marmota baibacina and Marmota himalayana were distributed in most areas of Qinghai. 结论小家鼠、褐家鼠、草兔在青海省分布广泛,灰旱獭与喜马拉雅旱獭在全省大部分地区均有分布。
- But the iron is constitutes in the blood one of heme principal constituents, therefore should eat rich ferri archery target food, like animal liver, egg-yolk, kelp, porphyra capensi and so on. 而铁是构成血液中血红素的主要成分之一,故应多食富含铁质的食物,如动物肝脏、蛋黄、海带、紫菜等。
- family coextensive with genus Batis: saltworts. 同延于勃梯达属的一科;藜科冈羊栖菜属植物。
- lemon wood (Psychotria capensis) 柠檬木
- A new record of bird in Hebei Province--Tyto capensis chinensis 河北鸟类新纪录--草鸮
- Happy Birthday to my dear Bati! - 果爷 0 字节 2005-02-01 11:46 (45 人家版过生日都给红桃.;咱们这儿就你代收一下吧
- Happy Birthday to my dear Bati! - 果爷 0 字节 2005-02-01 11:46 (44 人家版过生日都给红桃.;咱们这儿就你代收一下吧
- Nudaurelia cyntherea capensis nuclear polyhedrosis virus 松天蚕蛾(松皇蛾)核型多角体病毒
- Spatial Distribution Patterns of Lepus capensis in the Mountaions of Qinling and Bashan 秦巴林区草兔空间格局研究