- Bangzi Opera Troupe 梆子剧团
- The amateur Beijing Opera troupe has been active for the past years. 这个业余京剧团过去几年一直活跃在舞台上。
- The Opera troupe put the play list on the wall for the sake of convenience. 为图方便,戏班将每天的戏单贴在墙上。
- Lin Weilin, director of Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe, said that Kunqu should not become a "cultural relic". 浙江昆剧团团长林为林说,昆曲不应该变成“文物”。
- A traditional Chinese melodrama of the fifties, the story is about a performer in a small-town folk opera troupe. 李翰祥独立执导的第一部作品,胡金铨亦有参与演出。戏班当家花旦雪里红与卖艺的金虎原是青梅竹马,但雪里红被马老闆强佔,两人分手。
- Xue Xiao-Chun was born in February 1942.He works in the Peaking Opera Troupe of Chengdu. 1942年2月出生,任职于四川成都市京剧团,擅长工笔花鸟画。
- Hebei, Shanxi Bangzi inflow,wei zhou is one of the main channel, resulting in Yuxian Yangko by its impact, not only absorbed the gowns with Bangzi opera, and music from the Bangzi system. 山西梆子流入河北,蔚州是主要通道之一,因之蔚县秧歌深受其影响,不仅吸收了梆子的袍带大戏,并借鉴了梆子的音乐体制。
- Born in Qianshan county, Anhui province, Han Zaifen left for a local Huangmei opera troupe in nearby Anqing at the age of ten. 出生于安徽省潜山县的韩再芬,十岁时,进入安庆附近的一个当地黄梅戏剧团。
- She is not only a top performer but also a talented manager who manages to juggle a 30-member Zaifen Huangmei opera troupe, play production and marketing campaigns. 她不仅是领衔主演,更是精干的管理者,她负责带领30人的再芬黄梅戏剧团,搞创作,跑市场。
- That evening, I made another discovery in the workers' club in the centre of the town, where a newly-formed amateur local opera troupe put on an excellent performance. Most of the actors and actresses were workers and middle-school students. 这天夜里,在市中心的职工俱乐部里,我看到了又一种丰收:一个不久前才由业余戏剧爱好者所组织起来的吕剧团,他们演出了丰富多彩的节目,演员中的绝大多数,来自工厂或者初中学校。
- And a Beijing opera troupe performed during the "April Spring Friendship Art Festival" in Pyongyang on Thursday in the first show of Beijing opera in the decades-long history of show. 而且一个京剧团在平壤举行的”四月之春友谊艺术节”上演出.;这是数十年间京剧首次在”四月之春友谊艺术节”上表演
- At the time in which the novel is set, the Opera House boasted over fifteen hundred emplyees and had its own stables for the opera troupe of the white horses underneath the forecourt. 在小说开始创作时期,歌剧院宣称超过一千五百名员工,还在歌剧院的前院的地下拥有自己专门用来饲养歌剧院剧团的白马马厩。
- Jiang Su Art Theatre Xiju Opera Troupe 江苏艺术剧院锡剧团
- Xinjiang Wu Lu Mu Qi Peking Opera Troupe 新疆乌鲁木齐市京剧团
- Performed by Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe 演出:上海京剧院
- Dai Hei Hing Chinese Opera Troupe 大喜庆剧团
- Tianjin Young Peking Opera Troupe 天津市青年京剧团
- In 1790 during the reign of the Emperor Qianlong, opera troupes from Anhui Province were ferried to the capital on the Grand Canal to perform. 1790年乾隆皇帝统治年间,徽班进京也是通过大运河奔赴皇城登上舞台。
- theatrical company; opera troupe; troupe 剧团
- On his 80th birthday, he let local opera troupes come to Beijing to perform for him. 于是,在他80岁生日的时候,下旨传召了很多地方上的戏剧表演团来京为他祝寿。