- BaTiO_3基瓷料 BaTiO 3-base ceramic
- 三价阳离子固溶的(Sr,Ca)TiO_3基瓷的缺位结构与介电性能 Vacancy defect structure and dielectric properties of trivalent basic ion in (Sr,Ca)TiO_3.
- 片式BaTiO_3基PTCR瓷片的制备及烧结工艺的研究 Study on Preparation and Sinter-System of BaTiO_3-based Chip PTCR
- 电容瓷料 capacitor ceramics
- 片式BaTiO_3基PTCR注浆成型研究 Research on Slipcasting Process for BaTiO_3-based Chip PTCR
- 瓷料配方 ceramic formula
- 来料 supplied materials
- 调味料 flavouring
- 羧基 carboxyl
- 料号
- 自由基 free radical
- 羰基 carbonyl group
- 介质瓷料 dielectric material
- BaTiO_3晶体 BaTiO 3 crystal
- 领料单 call slip
- 胺基 amidocyanogen
- 送料 parts feeding
- 朱镕基 Zhu Rongji
- 出料 discharge port
- 桩基 pile foundation work