- 将均匀设计理论、BP神经网络和遗传算法三者结合起来,应用于大坝力学参数反分析中。 A new approach for back analysis of mechanical parameters of dams combining BP neural network with uniform design and genetic algorithm was established.
- 遗传算法 genetic algorithm
- 基于遗传算法和BP神经网络的信用风险测量模型 The Model of Credit Risk Measurement based on GA and BP NN
- 基于BP网络和遗传算法的铝型材挤压模工作带优化模型 Optimization Model for Designing the Die Bearing of Aluminum Extrusion Basedon BP Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
- 基于遗传算法的中密度纤维板调施胶模糊控制器优化设计 Optimization Design of Fuzzy Controller for Mixed and Used Glue of Medium Density Fibreboard Based on Genetic Algorithm
- 速遗传算法 acceleration genetic algorithm
- 微遗传算法 MGA
- 云遗传算法 cloud genetic algorithm
- BP遗传算法 BP genetic algorithm
- DNA遗传算法 DNA genetic algorithm
- 一遗传算法 Genetic Algorithm
- 新遗传算法 the new genetic algorithm
- 引入和声策略的遗传算法在土坡非圆临界滑动面求解中的应用 Genetic algorithm incorporated with harmony procedure and its application to searching of on-circular critical slip surface in soil slopes
- 基于改进遗传算法的单级多项目无能力约束生产批量问题研究 Study on improved genetic algorithms approach applied to single-level and multiple-item uncapacitated lot-sizing problem
- 分段遗传算法 Subsection genetic algorithm
- 禁忌-遗传算法 TS-GA
- 禁忌遗传算法 Tabu genetic algorithm
- 权能遗传算法 capability inheritance algorithm
- 灾变遗传算法 catastrophic genetic algorithm(CGA)
- 传统遗传算法 classical genetic algorithm