- Then the author comparatively analyzed advantage and disadvantage of BOQ valuation model, also pointed out difference between norm valuation model and BOQ valuation model. 对比分析了工程量清单计价的特点和优点以及定额计价和工程量清单计价的区别。
- BOQ valuation model 工程量清单模式
- Then the advantages of valuation with bill of quantities are summarized by comparing norm valuation with BOQ valuation. 然后把清单计价与定额计价进行比较总结出工程量清单计价的优越性。
- This article presents a valuation model with failure probability based on Weston fixed growth model. 在威斯通固定增长模型的基础上,建立了考虑未来经营失败概率的估值模型;
- This paper discusses the basic principal of EVA valuation approach and sets up relevant valuation model. 本文论述了EVA估价法的基本原理,创建了相应的评估模型。
- Due to the long-term planned economy system, the study on enterprise valuation model relatively draggles in China. 我国由于过去长期实行计划经济体制,企业价值理念的提出与运用较晚,企业价值评估理论与方法的研究相对落后。
- According to the DCF valuation model shows that the company's fair value to 13.76 yuan. 根据DCF估价模型显示,公司的合理价值为13.;76元。
- On the meaning of BOQ valuation bidding 工程量清单计价招标的意义
- According to the DCF valuation model shows that the company's fair value to 8.55 yuan. 根据DCF估价模型显示,公司的合理价值为8.;55元。
- To conform to the international convention and adapt the market economy request, engineering cost industry promotes BQ valuation model in our country. 为符合国际惯例与适应市场经济的要求,我国工程造价行业正逐步推广工程量清单计价模式。
- On the year 2002, the project cost valuation model has taken a quantum leap to adopt the Bill of Quantities model which comes into common use in international project. 2002年我国工程造价计价方法发生了重大变化,国际上通用的工程量清单计价模式(Bill of Quantities)被采用,可以说工程量清单的实施,是我国工程造价计价方法与国际惯例接轨的切入点,为合理的确定产品价格奠定了基础。
- Secondly, on the basis of research on Feltham-Ohlson equity valuation model and theory, we develop the model to be close to the reality and be easy to get the solution. 第二、 在对Feltham-Ohlson股权估价理论和模型深入研究的基础上,结合实际的情况,对模型进行一定的改进,从而获得一个更为合理和便于求解的模型。
- MoneyChimp: learn Stock Investing, Index Funds, Valuation Models, and more. 了解股票投资,指数基金,估值模式,以及更多。
- Thoughts on the mode of BOQ valuation in coal-mining area 对煤矿地区工程建设清单计价模式问题的思考
- Discussion on enterprise quota under BOQ valuation mode 工程量清单计价模式下企业定额的探讨
- There are many valuation models such as CDF, EVA model, P/E model and P/B model etc. 目前股权估值模型很多,有现金流贴现法、EVA方法、市盈率模型以及市净率模型等等。
- The Start-up General Valuation Model(SGVM),which is an approach for enterprise valuation on the basis of process-view,was tested using the software of Analysis of Moment Structure(AMOS) and questionnaire data. 在建立基于过程观的创业企业价值评估模型SGVM(Start-up General Valuation Model)的基础上,结合问卷调查数据,采用结构方程模型分析软件AMOS(Analysis ofMoment Struc-ture)对该模型进行了验证。
- This paper mainly analyzed the relationship between traditional quota valuation model and BQ valuation model in order to identify intrinsic relations about two models. 论文主要从工程费用组成的角度详细分析了传统定额计价和工程量清单计价两种模式,从而明确了这两种计价模式的内在关系。
- The astronomical market caps of several Net-based companies have resulted in a reassessment of traditional valuation models of business organizations. 相似的观察解开无法占生产新因素譬如知识资本,智力资本和无形资产的传统会计规程。
- She asked for a valuation of her house. 她要求对她的房舍作一估价。