- BCM码编译码算法的研究 Research on Coding and Decoding Algorithms for BCM Codes
- 本论文简要介绍了RS码的结构,分析了RS码编译码算法,使用查表法实现快速的有限域运算,采用Berlekamp-Massey代数译码算法。 In this paper, we simply introduce the RS code structure, analyze RS code encoding/decoding arithmetic, realize fast operation in finity field by using look-up tables method, and use Berlekamp-Messey algebiaic decoding algorithm.
- 本文在传统的遗传算法的基础上,对车间调度算法进行了深入的研究。 In this paper, the shop floor scheduling algorithm is studied.
- 群体智能优化算法的研究进展与展望 Prospect and research for swarm intelligence optimum algorithm
- 为了克服传统调制码的弊端,提出了一种适用于DHSS新的调制码:调制-阵列码的编译码方法及其相应的软判决度量方法。 In order to improve effect of traditional modulation code, a new modulation-array (MA) code and a novel soft-decision method corresponding to MA code are proposed for data processing in DHSS.
- 表面纹理磁盘滑动接触的温度和应力及退磁临界条件的研究 Coupled Temperature-displacement Finite Element Analysis of a Slider Sliding Contact with a Textured Disk Surface and the Critical Condition for Demagnetization
- RS码的译码算法及软件实现 Principle and Software Implementation of RS Code Decoding in Time Domain
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- 提高ONP脱墨效果的研究 ONP Deinking by Complex Cellulases with Different Optimal pH
- "在第九楼,我们研究做研究用的仪器," --亨德森先生开的小玩笑。 "On Floor Nine, we research into the instruments that do the research" - Mr Henderson's little joke.
- 鱼肉弹性测定方法的研究 Determination Methods of Fish Springiness
- 向心透平内部流动的研究 Numerical Investigation of the Fluid Flow Inside Radial Inflow Turbine
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- RS译码的Euclid算法及其FPGA实现 Euclidian algorithm and Its Implementation in RS Decoder
- 多金属结核中吸附水测定的研究 Determination of Adsorbed Water in Polymetallic Nodules
- 兽用中药研制与申报工作中有关质量标准研究的技术要求 Essential Requirements for Researching and Drafting Quality Control Criteria of New Traditional Chinese Medicines for Animal Use